“All reasonable times”

Hi, my landlord is trying to force me to be available for viewings this coming Saturday. I’ve been accommodating viewings the past few weeks, but this Saturday I am simply too busy, will either be in the flat with a gaggle of children preparing for their birthday party, or out at the party, and it will be a state after that. He hasn’t paid for me to go and get a coffee, or offered anything to support me in the viewings, I have been doing all the communication with the agents and scheduling of the meetings, and it’s a lot of labour on top of my work and family responsibilities. I have asked the selling agents to please try and schedule weekday viewings going forward, and this is what he’s giving me grief for. I’m only in the flat for three more Saturdays, and I’ve told him I can make it available for viewings the remaining two, and he’s insisting I make this one work, citing the lease & the law pertaining to “all reasonable times”, but my understanding is that that still requires me to agree beforehand to a date being available. Can he force me to have a viewing on Saturday?

Edit/ Update: I told the estate agents he’s hired that he’s harassing me about this coming Saturday, and asked for their help. I felt comfortable doing so because the head of the “team” had said to me, the first time I met him, “this is your home, you’ve paid a lot of money to live here over the years, the most important thing to us is making sure you feel respected in this process, we don’t want to piss you off” (course I didn’t tell my landlord that’s why I recommended he go with them when he asked my opinion, ha). The agency told my landlord the viewings I’ve been allowing are more than adequate, and instructed him to not push the issue further. I’ve not heard anything more from him, but I’m hoping this means he will leave me alone until I’m out. Thanks for all your advice, it gave me the confidence I needed to assert my rights and stand my ground x