sexualizing/insulting thais should not be normalized

[opinion from a thai + bad english warning] I feel like a sensitive person for this opinion but i just hate when SOME people actually thinks every thais is related to something inappropriate and most of them it just HAVE to be about ladyboys. Yes i know those stuff does exist, but It’s not funny to use that to make fun or shame all thais. It tiring to see all the negative comments about thai people and i Sometimes am ashamed to be thai when my race have to deal with these kind of people comments. I’m fine with ladyboys i actually found them extremely nice and amazing and i have some as a friends and its annoying when people use lady boys as something like an insult.But seriously though , I don’t hate farangs. I’m actually really happy to see people genuinely enjoy thailand and are happy :D

Edit: I feel like i wasn’t really clear, i am aware of the reputation my country made i just simply voice out that just because what the media tells you doesn’t mean you have the right to insult or sexualize every thais thinking its fine and funny.