Rewatching season 1 and crying bc I actually like Noah and Alison
the first time I watched this series I barely made it until the end of season 4 because I felt most characters were annoying and I became so confused with the storylines. I am currently on episode 4 of season 1, where Alison tells Noah about the death of her son and I am in full tears! the writing, and acting is so magical and I remember that I actually like Noah and Alison a lot because they are so flawed and real (at least season 1 lol) they both seemed so unhappy in their lives and marriages bc their spouses and their families' focus is on materialism and bs. At the core, Alison and Noah just want a genuine life, but they struggle with leaving their toxic comforts, Noah's wealthy in laws and their connections and Alison's husband and weird mafia family. I don't want season 1 to ever end, and do not want to get to season 4 lol