Let's chat about Wyll's big decision

I've seen A LOT of criticism about Wyll's lack of agency during his decision to either break his pact or save his father's life. There is no option for him to choose his own fate. And while I understand where this criticism is coming from, I view this situation a little differently.

It felt like a completely conscious decision to remove the option for him to make the choice on his own and in my opinion, it fits within the context of the story. How does one even make a decision like this? He's forced between damning his soul for all eternity or sacrificing his father's life. He's damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't. No matter what he chooses, he looses in the end. And that's the point, right? It's an impossible decision to make. Wyll has been alone in this pact with Mizora for years and he finally has a friend / lover who he can lean on for support. I see this as character growth that he doesn't automatically rush to fall on his own sword for his father's sake. Instead he considers what HE wants and finally shows some concern for himself, despite his self-sacrificing nature. He let's someone who he trusts completely make this impossible decision for him.

Shadowheart has to make a similar decision, but there's one MAJOR difference. She has her parents there with her. They directly tell her what they wish for her to do. They reassure her that they'll finally be at peace and THIS is what pushes her to make her own decision. Wyll wasn't afforded that luxury.

And what's up with all the companions after Wyll breaks his pact!? You'd expect a little grace and empathy from them at least?

Would love to hear your thoughts!