I’m scared of tampons

This is so fucking embarrassing and gonna be long. I put it in NSFW because I want to be on the safe side and not get this taken down. When I first started my period, I wore pads like most people. One day, I thought I was big and could wear a tampon. My grandmother spoke me through the process and I seemed to get it right away. But it was super uncomfortable so I tried to take it out but it wouldn't. I got so scared and started crying. I ended up having to soak my bottom half in the bathtub and slowly pull it out. I haven't worn a tampon since out of fear. I am now 18 and ran out of pads on a heavy-flow. The only thing we have is tampons and these VERY tiny pads. I figured now was a better time than any to get over my fear. I slowly pushed it in and felt a tiny bit of pressure and pain. I panicked and pulled it out. I sat on the toilet and started to cry. I can't go buy pads because it’s extremely late in the night. Please, how do I get over this fear??

EDIT: I want to thank everyone who commented. It’s all been extremely helpful. Y'all might be happy to know that I got over the fear and wore a tampon!!