Mortgage Payoff?

Hey Mutants!

I've been debating writing this post but I need a backstop. I understand up front it's more emotional risk than financial.

For context - I'm under 40 married with 2 kids under 7. HHI is high 200s, I'm a sole provider with a SAHM.

Current net worth is a touch over 1.9M which feels insane to write.

My dilemma here is I'm in sales in cybersecurity with an extremely high pressure high stress environment with F500 customers and the sole provider of the house.

I landed a decent deal end of the year I'll get paid on in two weeks (89k gross) and current cash on hand is right around 170-180.

My mortgage 3.5%, with 177k left and we've been here for 8 years.

I have the discipline to invest what would be the principal and figure out a vehicle like high yield for escrow or throw it after tax alongside the principal and draw on it yearly.

Why wouldn't I go ahead and pay off the house? This is emotional de risking vs trying to outpace the market. Thoughts?