Wishful Thinking Thread: what are your most desired Features or QOL for 2025?

Just a fun little discussion about things you’d like to see from the game. Things I would love:

  • Ability to recall Pokemon from Gyms (we can already do it with Power Spots!)
  • Gold Gym Badge medal or counter (surely couldn’t be too different from Collection Challenges or Showcases)
  • Ability to Transfer unwanted eggs - would be great for hunting particular species, or making sure you have a free slot for 7km from Mateo (or Rocket 12km if your bottom row is full).
  • Breeding - or as an extension of the above, a way to breed for the egg you want. Has been a staple of mainline games for ages, though it might be tough to implement in an immersive way for the AR experience that isn’t just a menu tab or more overworld clutter.
  • Replay Special Research. Who is it hurting if I can do the Mew quest again? It was a lot of fun the first time, anyway.
  • Skippable Rocket reward screen animations. Raids and Max Battles have it, why don’t Rockets?
  • Evolved Pokemon should be shiny eligible. There are exceptions to this (Megas, Wild Area) but there’s really no need for only the base form to be shiny eligible on 90% of families. Would make rarer spawns more exciting to catch.
  • Tier 1 and Tier 3 Shadow Raids shouldn’t require 8 gems to subdue.