Summary of Nick & Sandy Interview on Viall Files

In case people don’t want to listen to the 1.5 hour podcast 😂

  • Nick trying to take a step back from social media the last time him and Sandy spoke was a month ago
  • Nick wishes he handled himself better with alcohol on the show he also mentioned he hasn’t been sleeping which made him even more emotionally volatile than usual
  • Sandy regrets not being more emphatic to Nick and the attitude that she was giving to him
  • Nick signed them up for the show since he thought it was fun and the experience may bring them closer to one another
  • Someone reached out to Sandy before but she declined at first
  • They knew each other for 2 years but only dated for 9 months before the show during this time they were also on and off for 5/6 times
  • Nick was pretty nonchalant about the relationship at first but then Nick took it super seriously after seeing Sandy with JR
  • Nick and Sandy’s relationship had a physical relationship at first but Nick wanted a more emotional relationship which is why he asked her to go on the show and basically gave her an ultimatum
  • Nick was dating someone else at the time but broke it off with that person to go on the show with Sandy
  • They didn’t have many conversations about boundaries with each other everything was okay except for sleeping with someone else
  • The day Nick showed up at the apartment banging the door someone else happened as well. I believe he had a conflict with one of his closest friends and he got drunk and became irate and needed someone to talk to
  • Sandy didn’t want to talk to Nick because she was feeling emotionally drained not because she hated him
  • JR got really protective over Sandy after he saw Sandy get so upset over this
  • Sandy knows she disrespected Nick throughout the show
  • During their actual relationship, Nick is usually quite absent he didn’t call didn’t text whereas Sandy needs physical touch and quality time with her partner
  • They were supposed to go to Mykonos the week before filming and then Nick ditched her so Sandy went on the trip alone
  • Nick has no regrets with how he “handled” JR
  • Sandy did not expect JR to make those comments behind her back like the white girl comment
  • Sandy thought what Vanessa said basically voiced her entire experience with Nick
  • Sandy said she did not sleep with JR she acknowledges it looks sketchy but nothing happened

In case people don’t want to listen to the 1.5 hour podcast 😂

  • Nick trying to take a step back from social media the last time him and Sandy spoke was a month ago
  • Nick wishes he handled himself better with alcohol on the show he also mentioned he hasn’t been sleeping which made him even more emotionally volatile than usual
  • Sandy regrets not being more emphatic to Nick and the attitude that she was giving to him
  • Nick signed them up for the show since he thought it was fun and the experience may bring them closer to one another
  • Someone reached out to Sandy before but she declined at first
  • They knew each other for 2 years but only dated for 9 months before the show during this time they were also on and off for 5/6 times
  • Nick was pretty nonchalant about the relationship at first but then Nick took it super seriously after seeing Sandy with JR
  • Nick and Sandy’s relationship had a physical relationship at first but Nick wanted a more emotional relationship which is why he asked her to go on the show and basically gave her an ultimatum
  • Nick was dating someone else at the time but broke it off with that person to go on the show with Sandy
  • They didn’t have many conversations about boundaries with each other everything was okay except for sleeping with someone else
  • The day Nick showed up at the apartment banging the door someone else happened as well. I believe he had a conflict with one of his closest friends and he got drunk and became irate and needed someone to talk to
  • Sandy didn’t want to talk to Nick because she was feeling emotionally drained not because she hated him
  • JR got really protective over Sandy after he saw Sandy get so upset over this
  • Sandy knows she disrespected Nick throughout the show
  • During their actual relationship, Nick is usually quite absent he didn’t call didn’t text whereas Sandy needs physical touch and quality time with her partner
  • They were supposed to go to Mykonos the week before filming and then Nick ditched her so Sandy went on the trip alone
  • Nick has no regrets with how he “handled” JR
  • Sandy did not expect JR to make those comments behind her back like the white girl comment
  • Sandy thought what Vanessa said basically voiced her entire experience with Nick
  • Sandy said she did not sleep with JR she acknowledges it looks sketchy but nothing happened