Carti hate is cringe

Why do so many people just hate on carti all the time. Like if you don’t like it just don’t talk about it. Like abel can do what he wants to.

Like yes we get it he’s a bad guy. We all know that. Kanye is too. People don’t hate on kanye as much as carti. Abel has collaborated with both. I get being annoyed some shows are joint with carti. But it’s cringe just saying his new album is mid just cause it ain’t your music style.

If you hate this music it just ain’t your thing. No one likes every genre. I’m not even a huge fan of carti myself. He has some alright songs but he isn’t like amazing.

Imo it’s just so corny and immature to just constantly hate on it or any new music on a sub not relevant to that artist just cause it isn’t your genre style. Just let people enjoy the music without constantly bringing them down by saying the album sucks