My Industrial Production Calculators

A while back, there was a discussion about what spreadsheets folks were using to run their games.

For food production, I use this spreadsheet which I find works pretty well. For industrial production, I built a pair of faction-specific sheets

If you're signed into a google account, you can make a copy for yourself using the File menu and try it out. A few directions:

  • The cells that you can manipulate are highlighted in blue

  • For each type of building, enter the number of fully staffed buildings in either the Beavers/Count column, or in the Bots column if staffed by bots. If the building is not fully staffed, enter a fraction

  • A lumberjack must be cutting down oak trees full time to count as 1 -- if it is cutting down pines, count it as a half, and if it is cutting down birch trees, count it as a quarter

  • The production, consumption, and surplus columns are exressed in amounts per day. For example, a gear workshop will consume 5 planks / day and produce 5 gears / day (actually, 5.3, but the format doesn't show the fractional part)