49 Japanese phrases to help you navigate Tokyo like a local

With so many people planning to visit Japan during the Sakura season soon, just thought I share these 49 Japanese phrases I came across in an article to make it easier to get around beautiful Japan:

  1. Konnichiwa (こんにちは) – Hello / Good afternoon
  2. Ohayou gozaimasu (おはようございます) – Good morning
  3. Konbanwa (こんばんは) – Good evening
  4. Sayounara (さようなら) – Goodbye
  5. Arigatou gozaimasu (ありがとうございます) – Thank you
  6. Sumimasen (すみません) – Excuse me / I’m sorry
  7. Hai (はい) – Yes
  8. Iie (いいえ) – No
  9. Sumimasen, mou ichido itte ii desu ka? (すみません、もう一度言っていいですか?) - Sorry, can you repeat that again?
  10. Onamae wa nan desu ka? (お名前は何ですか?) – What’s your name?
  11. Sumimasen, menu onegaishimasu (すみません、メニューおねがいします) – Sorry, may I have the menu, please?
  12. Osusume ga arimasu ka/Osusume wo oshiete kuremasen ka? (おすすめがありますか?/ おすすめを教えてくれませんか) – What do you recommend?
  13. Kore o kudasai (これをください) – I’d like this, please.
  14. Omizu o kudasai/Omizu wo onegaishimasu (お水をください/お水をお願いします) – Can I have some water, please?
  15. Biiru onegaishimasu (ビールお願いします) – Beer, please.
  16. Sumimasen, okaikei onegaishimasu (すみません、お会計をお願いします) – Sorry, can I have the check, please.
  17. Genkin nomi desu ka? / Kaado de ii desu ka? (現金のみですか?/カードでいいですか?) – Is it cash only? / Can I use a card?
  18. Vegetarian ryouri arimasu ka? (ベジタリアンの料理はありますか?) – Do you have vegetarian dishes?
  19. Okawari onegaishimasu (おかわりお願いします) – Another serving, please.
  20. Oishikatta desu! (おいしかったです!) – It was delicious!
  21. Kono densha wa Tokyo ni ikimasu ka? (この電車は東京に行きますか?) – Does this train go to Tokyo?
  22. Tsugi no eki wa nan desu ka? (次の駅は何ですか?) – What’s the next station?
  23. Ichiban chikai eki wa doko desu ka? (一番近い駅はどこですか?) – Where is the nearest station?
  24. Ichiban chikai basutei wa doko desu ka? (一番近いバス停はどこですか?) – Where is the nearest bus stop?
  25. Shuuden wa nannji desu ka(終電は何時ですか?)ー When’s the last train?
  26. (Insert station) eki made no Kippu o kaitai desu ((Insert station)駅までの切符を買いたいです) – I want to buy a ticket to (insert station).
  27. Shinkansen no kippu wa (insert destination) made ikura desu ka? (新幹線の切符は(destination) までいくらですか?) – How much is a Shinkansen ticket to <destination> ?
  28. Takushii o yonde onegaishimasu (タクシーを呼んでお願いします) – Can you please call a taxi for me?
  29. Sumimasen、(insert destination) made no michi wo oshiete kuremasen ka? (すみません,(destination)までの道を教えてくれませんか) – Excuse me, can you tell me the way to (destination)?
  30. X wa doko desu ka? (X は どこですか? ) – Where is this place?
  31. Kore wa ikura desu ka? (これはいくらですか?) – How much is this?
  32. Shichaku dekimasu ka? (試着できますか?) – Can I try this on?
  33. Kore wa <S/M/Lī> saizu ga arimasu ka? (これは<S/M/L>サイズがありますか?) – Do you have this in <small/medium/large> size?
  34. Kurejitto de ii desu ka? (クレジットでいいですか??) – Can I use a credit card?
  35. Reshiito o kudasai (レシートをください) – Can I have a receipt?
  36. Kore, chotto takai desu ne (これ、ちょっと高いですね) – This is a bit expensive, isn’t it?
  37. Menzei de kaemasu ka? (免税で買えますか?) – Can I buy this tax-free?
  38. Hoka no iro wa arimasu ka? (他の色はありますか?) – Do you have this in other colors?
  39. Ichiou henpin dekimasu ka? (一応返品できますか?) – Is this refundable just in case?
  40. Tasukete! (助けて!) – Please help me!
  41. Ichiban chikai kouban/keisatsusho wa doko desu ka? (一番近い交番/警察署はどこですか?) – Where is the nearest police station?
  42. Ichiban chikai byouin/kurinikku wa doko desu ka? (一番近い病院/クリニックはどこですか?) – Where is the nearest hospital?
  43. Atama ga itai desu (頭が痛いです) – I have a headache.
  44. Onaka ga itai desu (お腹が痛いです) – I have a stomachache.
  45. Netsu ga aru to omoimasu (熱があると思います) – I think I have a fever.
  46. Ichiban chikai kusuriya/drugstore wa doko desu ka? (一番近い薬屋/ドラッグストアはどこですか?) – Where is the nearest pharmacy/drugstore?
  47. Doko ni hinann sureba annzenn desu ka(どこに避難すれば安全ですか)ー Where should I evacuate?
  48. Saifu o nakushimashita. Tasukete moraemasen ka? (財布をなくしました。助けてもらえませんか?) – I lost my wallet. Can you help me?
  49. Kono hoken ga tsukaemasu ka(この保険が使えますか)ー Can I use this insurance?

Feel free to add onto this list if you have more!

(A thing to note is that if you forget what to say, you can still rely on Google Translate in most situations :))