Unwritten laws- hardware store

Had to stop into Menards for some pipe this morning. Was having a bit of a different day because my dog was riding along with me in the back of my service van, he was sick and we had a cleaner at our house. He needed frequent potty breaks and I had appointments.

I’m in Menards for maybe 2 minutes and I come out to find the guy I parked beside had messed with my van. Had folded my mirror in and flipped my wipers.

I guess he figured I parked too close to him and his not so well packed trailer, but we were right up front. Close enough to the cameras that I had the staff review it. He didn’t do any damage I guess.. but come on man.

Besides for the 1000’s of dollars in tools and equipment in the ride, my mean German Shepard and a lot of things that could be used as weapons are all inside. Why would you want that trouble. Even van in the lot has a pipe wrench as big as your wrist on board, if not something louder and more handheld. Do not touch another service guys truck.

It’s Friday, the sun is out and this guy is acting like he’s 5. We’re all in this together, pretty much living the same lives. I feel betrayed by a fellow brethren. All the vans and trucks seem to park together at most hardware stores I go to, everyone is normally pretty cordial.

Overall, don’t be a dick at the hardware store. Everyone there is trying to improve the world around us, 1 common goal. Sorry I’m not tool related, just wanted to vent.