[Loved Trope] Villain who makes heartfelt/genuine, no-strings-attached offer to the hero to join them w/a clean slate, no tricks, no plans to backstab, etc. [Bonus points if hero accepts and joins the baddies]

  1. Senator Armstrong gives Raiden a chance to join him, and is genuinely pleased and paternal when it seems like Raiden has accepted

  2. One of the OGs, Vader offers Luke the chance to join him and rule the galaxy as Father and Son

  3. In Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, supersoldier Captain Saul Tarvitz accidentally witnesses his Lord Commander Eidolon using an unnatural sonic howl to defeat an enemy. Eidolon takes him to an infirmary, and reveals that the inner circle of their Legion has been undergoing secret surgeries to implant alien organs inside their bodies, to enhance their capabilities in pursuit of perfection.

Eidolon explains that Tarvitz was not chosen for this, as he is a mere rank and file officer and not one of the favorites, but since he’s chanced upon the secret, Eidolon makes an exception and offers Tarvitz the surgeries, promising induction to the inner circle and preferential treatment in the Legion ranks in future if he accepts.

Tarvitz refuses, disgusted, and Eidolon commands him to never speak of the surgeries again. Shortly after, led partially by Eidolon, most of their Legion turns traitor, and loyalists like Tarvitz are hunted down and purged.

  1. Honorary mention, Lord Cutler Beckett’s offer of a deal to Jack Sparrow, where Jack betrays the pirate lords’ Brethren Court to Beckett in exchange for amnesty. Honorary, because it’s unclear, but likely, that Beckett still planned to betray Jack at the end, even if Jack had fully cooperated. It’s unknown if Beckett would have been more magnanimous had Jack completely betrayed his allies and done exactly what Beckett wanted, or if Beckett had already decided that Jack was too untrustworthy and would be a loose end even if he upheld his end to the letter.

4b: Edit: While I’m on PotC, Davy Jones offering Norrington a chance to join his crew to cheat death counts too, I suppose.