Still exhausted 1 month post-op

Hi yawl.

I had surgery 4 weeks ago and starting my 5th week post-op. I’m technically supposed to be able to lift up to 10 lbs in weights and do some lower body exercise. I am not able to do these things!

I tried making my bed a few days ago and my heart rate went up, I got dizzy and disoriented, and had to lie down for 20 minutes. A friend helped me complete making the bed. I fainted a week and a half ago close to my home after being at the grocery store for less than 10 minutes and walking a couple blocks. I can walk very short distances and get so exhausted afterward. I feel like I should have more energy than I do?

Where were y’all at the beginning of your 5th week in terms of energy? I’ve been counseled to see my primary care in case there’s something else perpetuating my exhaustion like anemia/etc.

Hi yawl.

I had surgery 4 weeks ago and starting my 5th week post-op. I’m technically supposed to be able to lift up to 10 lbs in weights and do some lower body exercise. I am not able to do these things!

I tried making my bed a few days ago and my heart rate went up, I got dizzy and disoriented, and had to lie down for 20 minutes. A friend helped me complete making the bed. I fainted a week and a half ago close to my home after being at the grocery store for less than 10 minutes and walking a couple blocks. I can walk very short distances and get so exhausted afterward. I feel like I should have more energy than I do?

Where were y’all at the beginning of your 5th week in terms of energy? I’ve been counseled to see my primary care in case there’s something else perpetuating my exhaustion like anemia/etc.