Stressed out over bringing family on surgery date

I had a consult with Dr. Megan Dreveskracht in Seattle last week and it was great! At the consult my blood pressure was pretty high (stress over appt, Seattle traffic, and medical office) so I have to get an extra approval from my pcp but after that I can start insurance approval!

With surgery ahead I'm having trouble deciding who comes with on day of surgery. What I want is just my sister and my 2 closest friends. Unfortunately I'm getting a lot of pressure from my parents to let my mom go. I live with my family so my mom offered to help afterwards, but my dad said if I wasn't gonna let her go then why should she help me. This was after I tried explaining why I don't want her there casue she stresses me out. Part of me feels like I'm being unfair since she did offer to help? And the other part says this is for me and I don't need extra stress, especially since my bp tends to spike at doctors offices which could affect the surgery. There's also a tiny part that is pissed she's making my very personal journey about herself and wants to be petty, which I'm not proud of