New Role Idea - Siren


"Your target lures unsuspecting souls to their doom. They must be an Siren!"

Alignment: Coven Killing

Attack - Basic Defense - None

(2) Soothe

  • Each night, you may Soothe a target with your voice.
  • A Soothed target takes one step closer to you for each vote and verdict they place against a member of your faction.
  • Once they have taken two steps, you may Drown them to their doom.
  • Only 2 targets can be Soothed at a time, if you select a new target to Soothe your old will be replaced.
  • When Soothing it will only allow you to Drown when it has succeeded so you do not lose the charge till a Drown has been successfully done.

( Passive ) Drown

  • Twice per game, once a Soothed target has taken two steps toward you this will redirect themselves to you.
  • You additionally will deal a Basic Attack to all visitors.
  • This ability can only be triggered if a Soothed target has taken enough steps to you.


  • All visitors on you, while you Drown a Soothed target, will have their visit camouflaged.
  • Soothe is considered a status.

Win Conditions

  • Kill all who do oppose the Coven.