Slight Amnesiac buff idea
Amne is a bit of a weird role with the only uses being to see whether there is an Enchanter or what roles the Stoned players are. Apart from that it serves no real niche.
However, I propose that Amnesiac gains the ability to see the role results that the player they remember gets from the night they die. So if a Seer went on 1 and 2, they might die with the information, but if an Amnesiac remembers the Seer role, they gain that information when they remember the role.
This could also let the Amnesiac know who the remembered role went on. BG and Trickster for example don't display who they went on. The Amnesiac would be told which player those roles went on that night, or whether the player vested.
This would make Amnesiac just a tad bit more spicy as you wouldn't be able to just shut down early findings in some situations.