I Don't Know What To Do 😞 PLEASE help me ❤️
Background: friend and I have been 'close friends' for 15+ years. the last 10 years we have remained friends but less communication - the occasional how are you etc she doesnt reply for months at a time. Also, In 2020 i became very unwell with life changing autoimmune illness which gives me daily exhaustion and pain and I constantly catch viruses etc
So my friend got in touch over the summer messaging more than usual. However, She made out something really awful had happened, and I was ready to support her.
After all the dramatic ambiguous of texts (i thought somebody had died/she was very ill) it turns out it was a 4 mo on and off relationship had come to an end and she was extremely upset as it was not amicable. They never had bf/gf labels and met once a week only. We messaged constantly and met up with her a couple of times. Conversation dominated by this relationship.
She would rant by message and really offload. 10+ messages in a row, but rarely even ask how i was when recommencing chatting (you know hi! How are you today?) Just carry on where she left off. Then she asked my opinions and when i said i didnt think he was interested in reuniting from what she had told me, she even said its not what she wanted to hear and wasnt helpful. Which i found upsetting.
As time went on (November) i found she would begin to leave quite a few days to reply to me. Eventually, the guy made it very clear to her he was no longer interested which sent her into a further depression and back in touch. She seemed a bit ott and obsessed but i believe all feelings are valid so...
Again i have tried to suppport her and be positive to try and pick her up, which just resulted in more doom and gloom. Despite the relationship's only being 4 mo she has said doing online research has told her that what shes experiencing is worse than divorce (which as being married felt like a bit of a weird attention grabber) as i imagined my hubby of 12 years dumping me and couldn't fathom it, and wouldnt compare this to someone id casually seen for 4 mo. Regardless, i didnt challenge it and entertained her feelings. Said that it sounded terrible etc
It was really oppressive and it got to the point that i dreaded my phone pinging. Then december and christmas came and following another rant she didnt reply to me for 2 weeks during christmas/nye fortnight, she didnt even wish me a merry christmas or happy new year despite my time supporting her. I have only just heard from her. Even then there was No 'Hi how are you or how was your Christmas?' etc she just picked up her relationship woes. We never just chat about anything else which i'd love. Ive tried to steer the subject away but it doesn't work
So I haven't replied. I feel like she only messages me when nobody she is usually close to is available or when she isnt busy. Which makes me sad and feel like a last resort. Like the fact she didnt even think 'oh ill text happy xmas or nye to katie' hurt when she undoubtedly would have messaged others
Being ill means i dont really have any friends but i don't think it should mean i accept this. I think she knows i don't really have any girlfriends so exploits this. My gentle kind and giving nature means im often walked over and people respect me less than i do them. Being ill also means i cant cope with the additional stress her one way rants bring
The friendship doesnt feel two way. I dont know what to do, i am scared to confront her about how it makes me feel as i dont like arguing and she is very passionate.
I feel like ghosting her but its not my personality to do something like that. It happened to me by loads of friends when i became ill, it was horrible. So i feel stuck. She is an old friend i dont want to lose but i dont like the relationship she is having with me
Please can someone advise im sorry this is long.