Injuries Vs other sports
Not an "are bikes dangerous" or "I'm scared to get hurt" post... I don't like getting hurt, but it happens one way or another whatever you do, right?
I know guys who are jacked up from jiu jitsu or just lifting weights, guys who do an ankle or knee running or playing more traditional sports, loads of people who ride BMX, mountain bikes, motocross, etc who have had the usual collar bone or ACL trouble.
Just wondering about the frequency and most common smash up, as I'm still new to this whole thing.
With motocross or mountain bikes, I think even the best of us fall over semi-regularly, but while injuries absolutely happen the majority of 'tip overs' you're straight back up.
I guess with the vast speed increase from most two wheeled disciplines, and with Armco / walls around, that this is an open ended question and there will be some nasty crashes out there. Just generally interested in people's experience.
I guess most frequent will be low-mid speed low sides into/out of corners? Let's hear it 😂