Question about Low Grades on CC Courses in HS.


I'm currently a senior right now and I was looking into the transfer process. My HS GPA will likely be about a 3.5-3.6 by the end of senior year with maximum rigor + serious extenuating circumstances
(nothing but Honors/AP with high 15 AP test scores, serious illness stuff etc). I also have a 1600 SAT.


The summer after my freshman year, I took the equivalent of high school chemistry at my main CC, where I earned a C.(3 credits)

Then, I took Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations with B's in both(5 credits each), at a different CC during junior year. I also got a C in another very small technical course(0.5 credits).

I just finished Linear Algebra, Microeconomics, and the highest english course the CC offers with(B, A, A) respectively.

I'm in California, and I will also have all my GEs done as I completed IGETC.

I don't have many courses left for my major if I want to transfer, which is likely something in STEM.

In addition to my HS GPA, which GPA do they look at for the transfer process?

  1. The GPA for all courses taken at my CC I am transferring out of, regardless of the date.
  2. The GPA for all community college courses taken at any CC I attended.
  3. The GPA for only courses taken after graduating high school at the CC I transfer out of
  4. The GPA for all community college courses taken at any CC I attended, after high school.

My main concern is that these low grades, especially due to the fact that they are very related to my intended STEM major, will negatively impact me. There is nothing I can do to show improvement since there is like nothing above multivar calc offered at my CC.

Please let me know, thanks.