Late 30s. Perfect health, never held an erection in my life. About to start Trimix.
When I was young someone exposed me to porn, I began masturbating frequently without lube, hearing so many people tell me “that it was perfectly healthy” I thought nothing of it.
First time I tried to have sex I was about 19. Nothing kept me hard.
I made excuses to avoid sex and struggled with relationships. No successful attempts.
I tried 4 years of therapy. Nothing
Pelvic floor physical therapist conclusion- You’re a little bit tight.
Second pelvic floor therapist current conclusion- Your tightness is a 3/10
P shot- Nothing
Penile Doplar Sonogram conclusion-No problems detected. Some micro calcifications.
The Trimix shot worked and I needed the antidote after 1 hour with 10 mcg.
My testosterone is a smidge below 1,000. It is 150 higher than it was two years ago. Cholesterol, lipids, etc are all in healthy or reduced risk. From recent bloodwork.
BodyFat is 15%
Cialis/Viagra/Stendra- daily, small dose, large doses… I go soft within about 30 seconds of getting inside a woman, always with a condom on. I usually get some morning wood after starting up with 2.5 daily, but after about two weeks of daily use it wears off.
So here I am. Doctor says I have four options left.
Surgery- I wont do it.
Clonozapan- I’m reluctant, and I disagree that anxiety is the main cause. But… why not?
Soundwave- I’m hopeful, since it’s topical, and I wonder if I have a a lack of sensitivity. Might as well.
Trimix-Well here I am.
I’m concerned of permanent damage. I’m concerned of open wounds during sex. (I'll use a condom, but I want to have a family and a meaningful relationship). I’m concerned about travel. I’m concerned that this is me giving up on y ability to solve the root of this problem.
I’d appreciate any feedback I can get from you guys. Thank you.