For laughs but true.

So I 52 and started using trimix about 2 or 3 months ago. I was struggling to maintain erection after about 10 or 15 minutes of fooling around and even getting an erection was getting less dependable. Between type meds, blood pressure meds and physiological issues about performance i was struggling and could tell it was time to fix the problem.

I did the online thing was was super simple and received my t106 mix from Olympia. I was told 5 units to start and I was so excited and nervous. Putting a needle in your dick is not something you ever even fathom nor are prepared for but as a testosterone and monjouro user needles are just whatever....but this IS IN YOUR DICK!. The 1st time went pretty smoothly minus the shaking like a Parkinson patient. I injected, jumped in the shower and by the time I washed my hair I was stiffening up. By the time I got out of the shower I was standing like a flagpole and thought maybe it was just in my head which caused the rapid response. Placebo effect perhaps.

I had the hide my rager from the wife as I hadn't figured out how to tell her I had went down this path. I was embarrassed and scared she would think I was stupid or worse blame herself. I crawled into bed and made sure I fooled around enough that she would think the erection was just a natural reaction to her smoking hotness.

After absolutely amazing sex I couldn't believe how I remained teenager hard during and really seemed to last longer too. I was really struggling with hiding the erection the rest of the evening as we sat in the couch watching TV and my tent pole was still holding for another couple of hours then turned to a still fat chub before bed. worked and I'm a sexual super hero.

I used it a few more times after that and did a great job hiding it. We bumped uglies a couple of times without trimix and while it was enough to get the job done it was not the bones magic I could now not live without.

After about 3 weeks or so we were in a trip and in a hotel and I decided I had better come clean. How was I going to hide this act forever and it was just a matter of time before she would burst into the bathroom and find me with a needle buried in my cock and scream, cause me to slip and one of us passing out and hitting the floor.

She took it VERY well accept she felt bad that I had to endure poking my penis. I assured her it wasn't that bad and a small price to pay to get the confidence and performance back I had lost.

Fast forward to Sunday night. We had a great bout of sex. She is fully aware of my routine and seems quite appreciative 😀. We had sex early in the evening and after she took a shower and we watched a bit a TV. I take ambian before bed which can get me pretty fucked up if I don't go to bed within about 15 minutes. I have taken it before without going to bed and I get pretty amorous. When this has happened she normally chases me away and makes me go to bed as I'm pretty much mashed potatoes on the sleeping pill (or so she tells me). I often can't remember a damn thing.

I craw into bed after taking my pill and still have a slight chub and she is talking to me a bit past my window of falling asleep so I'm getting that loopy yet horny feeling. I tell her she should crawl into bed and "snuggle". Apparently she is pretty amorous herself at this point and grabs a couple toys before crawling into bed so it's game on. Keep in mind most of this is cloudy to even completely blank so I'm trusting her recollection lol.

She asks me if I'll be able to perform and I tell her I'm still "plump". (Her words lol). Apparently ar around this point i jump out of bed like the flash, run to the fridge, somehow managed to grab a syringe, pull in an unknown amount of trimix and injection a second time for the evening. I have ZERO memory of this buy confirmed a second needle in the trash (oh fuck).

She tells me i performed to an acceptable level but not as good as earlier lol. I have no idea if I even had sex let alone injected an unknown of trimix into an unknown location. I had no issues the next day. I had a pretty hot sex dream at some point I recall. It mat have been during the sex or during sleep. I've no clue.

Moral of the story. Trimix is a god send to many of us but be careful with ambian and trimix kids 😆 🤣