Help With Porn Addiction

For context, I am a 20 year old full time college student who works part time and is in NROTC. I am often busy from 5am to 5pm, and I usually feel like I'm in this constant state of burnout, depression, or anxiety. I was introduced to porn around the age of 6 by a cousin who also raped me. I have been addicted since then. I was also abused growing up and had to deal with my parents getting divorced.

Last night, my girlfriend and I were arguing and we ended up sleeping in seperate rooms. This morning, I felt overwhelmed with temptation and I relapsed, watching porn and masturbating for an hour.

The dilemma I face is that I feel so busy that it's as if I don't have enough time to sit down and work on myself. Yet, when I do get some down time its all spent resting and recovering from feeling burnt out! This constant state of burnout leaves me feeling weak and vulnerable to temptation. I would also like to add that I also struggle with addiction to social media, video games, and the like. Call it an internet addiction if you like.

I am here to seek advice from the community. I have prayed for forgiveness, repented, and then relapsed again countless times. I keep thinking I'm done with this sin, and I fall right back into it. I can't seem to go more than 7 days without relapsing. I have tried multiple programs, cutting all social media, meditating, etc. I have tried just about every tip/piece of advice I could find relating to the topic. Yet here I am still. Stuck. I trust that I'm saved because of the work Jesus did on the cross for me, so this isn't necessarily about my salvation. It's more so about wanting to live and experience the joy and freedom Jesus gave me, and to do what I know is right. I know in my mind I am free, but my heart continues to live as though I am not. I don't want to live in the flesh any longer, but I don't know what to do here.