How to cope with hatred towards porn makers, sexual degenerates, and all that crap?

I had a porn addiction at a young and was exposed to how evil and sick people can be just for sexual arousal. That's my general base of why I can't help but feel anger and hatred towards these people.

I mean, these people are literal druggies and drug makers for crying out loud! Porn is a straight up drug, yet the world doesn't care! What's worse is that they are so cocky over there sexual degenerate ways. The more degenerate, the more cocky and proud they are! It's legit concerning and iritating how how defensive they are over their weird porn (or porn in general)! They call you tourists, say you can't tell the difference between fiction and real life, and other crap! Well maybe because anime porn of people who look and act like kids is wrong you stupid piece of...never mind!

And the list goes on and on and on! I practically have a bone to pick with all types of porn, kinks, fetishes, and their degenerate communities! What worse is that there is some Christians in these communities! Like HOW?!?! All this just builds up my hate!

It's very hard for me to show love to these people because they literally act like irredeemable villains over worthless crap! I can't help but want these people to stop their sinful ways, by any means necessary! Even if they have to be beaten into submission!

But that's not what God wants me to do, it's nowhere near God's will. All these violent wishes, and possibly the wish for them to stop, is all self-righteousness. In the end, I'll just be a villain like them in God's eyes. But it's so hard to repress these emotions, cause I want justice! Justice for their defense over all porn! Justice for send others down in sinful addictions! Justice for mentally scarring the innocent! Justice for taking away some of our brothers and sisters! Justice for trapping desperate people into this drug game!

sighs but keeping this hate with me isn't going to bring the justice I want. It's not even Godly justice in the first place. So I came here, in hopes to know how to cope and remove this hatred from me. Also I would want to know if I'm not alone with these feelings, that at least I've someone to relate to with these feelings. Maybe to also get some responses from those Christians who are in those degenerate places?

But either way, I just want help. Cause hatred is my second worst sin from lust. Funny, how I got both from discovering the internet at a younge age...