The Kill List is really bad.
Y'all. I tried with this podcast, I really did. But not since Payne Lindsay in Up & Vanished have I disliked a podcast host more. Why does this man sincerely believe it's HIS JOB ALONE to save everyone in the world from being killed??? The self-importance, the manufactured drama, the made up high stakes, the over-produced villainous internet voices - what do you guys see in this podcast that am I missing?? I tried to push through past episode 3, but I just can't.
Yes, the points that police don't take internet crimes and violence against women serious are valid. But it's everything in the podcast that surrounds those points that annoyed me to no end. I just can't seem to understand why this man seems to genuinely believe that he needs to be the savior of these people, that it's his divine duty. My sneaking suspicion is that he obviously knows it's bullshit but thinks it's the best way to present and sell his podcast. Ugh. I just think this type of podcasting is the worst true crime as a genre has to offer. Drumming up a story, exploiting people he's not connected to in any way, harassing the police about matters not in their jurisdiction, scaring the shit out of people and inserting himself in their lives, etc., etc.
If I'm missing something please tell me, but as of now, this is my worst podcast of 2024.