Is it wrong to feel upset about this "gift"?

I live with my boyfriend, and while we both work, he’s always had the higher income—until recently. I got a second job, so now I’m earning more than him. Most of my earnings are going toward paying off debt, but that doesn’t mean I can’t afford to treat myself occasionally. For context, we have combined finances.

Here’s the issue: whenever my boyfriend buys something for himself, it’s always brand new. But for me? It’s almost always secondhand or hand-me-downs. I don’t mind used things generally, but it’s starting to feel unfair.

Last week, I noticed my PC was struggling to keep up with my two jobs, so I decided to buy a new one. I specifically wanted it to be brand new, just this once. But as soon as I mentioned it to him, he rushed to find me a secondhand PC. It all happened so fast that I barely had a chance to say anything.

The secondhand PC is decent, but that’s not the point. I sold my old PC to help pay for the new one, and since I don’t have access to credit cards (due to the debt I’m paying off), he used his card to buy it. I’m paying for it with my own money, of course, because we’re on a tight budget to avoid overspending.

When he gave me the PC, he said, “I know it’s not much, but I gift this to you with love.” That completely threw me off. How is it a gift when I’m the one paying for it? This has happened before, and it’s so frustrating. I didn’t even know how to respond—I just stood there with a blank expression.

I don’t know if I’m overreacting, but I just needed to vent. Thanks for reading.