Democrats know Kamala is an awful candidate and would be a terrible President, but they're willing to lie about her for now because their TDS is that terminal.
They never talk about her plans because they don't really know what those are. Kamala keeps flip-flopping on all of them. Half of her most popular ones she copied directly from Trump/Vance after she saw those policies get applause at rallies.
They never talk about her principles or values, because those keep flip-flopping too.
She was for Medicare for All, now she opposes it, she was for gun confiscation, now she loves talking about her Glock (just not which kind), she was against fracking, now she's all for it....
She debuts a new accent everywhere she goes. What the hell was this one with Colbert?
Is she okay?
Her staff had a 92% turnover rate in her first 3 years and the rumors from those former staffers are that apparently she's a mean drunk who can't take any criticism or do any real work. The SS officers assigned to her detail have, off-record, told people that all she would do is clock in and play Solitaire all day. THis is a well-known open secret in D.C.
I'm not kidding.
So ultimately, I have to believe that Democrats know she's awful, cringe, and incapable.
However, they're everywhere right now, I'm sure they're even in the comments of this post, saying WHATABOUT DRUMPF!?! While they gish gallop a hundred accusations we've all heard a million times.
They have nothing except the argument that somehow she's the lesser of two evils. When nothing could be further from the truth. They know that. They just don't care.
Because their TDS is truly that bad.