The armchair fire management experts need to shut up
I know someone is going to respond with “well I live in California and the fire management is terrible” I don’t care where you live Jimbo, you’re sitting in your living room in your underwear acting like you know things you don’t. I live in Virginia doesn’t make me an expert in how my state prepares for blizzards. California has actually done quite a bit in forest fire management in recent years, but when the wind is going at a hundred plus miles an hour and everything is dry as bones fire management nothing short of felling the whole forest and treating the ground with so many chemicals that not even the hardiest of weeds can grow is going to stop wild fires from happening. As for the fire hydrants, they aren’t meant to be used on fires this big. Tell me, what happens when you have every faucet in the house on at the same time? You lose water pressure. The same thing happens if too many fire hydrants on the same water main are used at the same time. A fire hydrant is meant to be used when the fire is burning one two or maybe three houses at once, if the whole neighborhood is on fire the hydrants are useless.