Latent TB Treatment ?s (Rifampin)
I am a 26M who is very active. I have been consistently working out for the better part of my life. Training for a half marathon coming up this weekend. I have been practicing BJJ for the past two years. I had to get a TB screen for a job. I tested positive for TB but my chest X-rays and everything else checked out good. ECG and treadmill tests were great. Pulmonary function test was also great. They educated me on latent TB and what the steps are moving forward are. I have been given a months supply of Rifampin.
I do have a few questions as I have started to do a little more research on it. The new job of mine is as a police officer and I will be required to go to the academy that will be physically demanding.
I was wondering if Rifampin will decrease or hurt my cardio. I know some antibiotics have that effect but I am not knowledgeable enough in the topic if that just goes for all antibiotics or only certain ones.
The nurse also informed me that she advised I don’t drink any alcohol. Given we are headed into the summer my social life often includes some form of drinking. Is it a hard no on any alcohol consumption or is that just a recommendation that doctors as in general alcohol is not good for you?
Last time I was screened for TB was 3 years ago and that was negative. I never had any symptoms and do not know of anyone that had active TB that could have exposed me.
My main concern is the possibility of my cardio being weakened as a side effect of the medication. Would like to hear anyone’s experience on how it affected your cardio. Also how much should I have to worry if I just call my doctor and ask if I could postpone my latent TB treatment until after I am done with the academy.