Grocery Store Options

I’ve seen a lot of posts asking for alternatives to Target for groceries. That’s awesome! You may not realize it, but the Twin Cities has the most diverse grocery store landscape of any metro area. We are one of very few metros (maybe the only?) without Kroger/Albertsons and as such we have lots of local chains whereas many other areas have lost theirs.

So in addition to chains like Costco, please consider your local co-op or a Lund’s, Cub, Kowalski’s, or Oxendale’s. Other than Lakewinds co-op, all of those options have union workforces (unlike Trader Joe’s, which is suing to strike down the National Labor Relations Act).

Other options include HyVee, Aldi, Fresh Thyme, etc. I personally prefer Union stores and don’t see a huge price difference, but I think Target was my least favorite anyway because they just don’t have the selection. I hope we can keep the amazing variety of grocery options we have, because we really are lucky compared to other areas.