What are some critiques you don't agree with due to how flawed they are?
The critique that inspired this post was about a Minecraft mod that aimed to "improve the exploration aspect" of the game by changing a multitude of things that normally effect casual play. Things such as structure generation either getting doubled or halved, loot tables getting changed, minecart speed, some crafting recipe changes, and other minor changes that, again, really only effect casual play.
The reason I brought up casual play is because the person that tested the mod to see if it actually improved exploration had a speedrunner play with it on to see if they noticed anything different. The speedrunner ended up only finding 2 of the almost 20 changes the mod made, with the second one being found out at the end when the guy purposefully made the speedrunner interact with it. It was treated as some big revelation that because the speedrunner didn't notice many of the features that it meant the mod was garbage, even though the mod isn't meant to effect speedrunning. This isn't even a defense of the mod or the person that made it, since the latter is/was in a bit of drama regarding pay walling the mod and just being one of those "Minecraft is boring/Mojang sucks" type of guys, but the mod is clearly just meant to change the casual experience and acting like a speedrunner who isn't even going to notice/interact with many of the changes is the end-all for if something is good or not is extremely flawed.