Comic Book moments/arcs that have permanent residence in your head
We're getting a lot of older comic moments posted int he subreddit these days (more than normal), and I thought it might be fun to give people to simply talk about their favorite comic moments that have stuck with them forever. Funny, dramatic, cringe, whatever that moment you're always jonesing to bring up, I'm curious what sticks out to other people. Some of my favorite, and "favorite" things from comics in no particular order.
-Ultimate Wolverine wakes up in Peter Parker's body for a day. Only seconds after questioning why or how, he decides that it doesn't matter and he is going to try and bone high school girls.
-Jessica Cruz is a Green Lantern of Earth with extreme agoraphobia, anxiety, and depression after seeing her friends murdered. The ring recognizes her as having Green Lantern level willpower for being able to fight through her mental illness every day.
-After a dramatic and heartfelt sendoff to her character, Marvel retconned Aunt May's death to be an actor who was pretending to be her. To be clear, the actor actually died, and stayed in character on her death bed in the hospital.
-Nightwing's amazing ass isn't only a meme, it's comic canon. He's been recognized as being Dick Grayson in other outfits because people could tell it was his ass. It is brought up regularly.
-In it's original introduction, the Venom symbiote was straight up heroic, and was the one holding back Eddie Brock from being an evil shitbag. It never made people violent or ate brains, it was mad at Peter for rejecting it when all it wanted to do was help be a hero
-Marvel tried to revitalize romance comics with a limited series called "Trouble" about a young Aunt May. They then wrote a story about Aunt May cucking her sister and getting pregnant, then giving the child to her sister to take care of. For some reason this did not grab comic fans and it failed.
Share those stories war and dear to your heart, I always love hearing this shit and learning what people's favorites are.