Just saw Eternals for the first time. Everyone was right. This ruins the MCU for me.

This concept would have its place in a Sci-Fi novel or a standalone film, but as part of the Marvel canon I think I hate everything about it.

And this isn't MCU exclusive. I think I hate this scale of space shit in superhero media period. But with the MCU specifically, the events of this movie basically make the rest of the MCU worthless. I cannot reasonably care about anything else going on when the only thing everyone should be talking about is the dead celestial and the fact that Ash whatever is literally going to pass righteous judgement on the human race in an unknown amount of time. Celestials are too much. What do you mean Harry Styles and his CGI creature are here to set up more celestial malarkey. Shut up. This is like Prometheus with more quips. Erase this from my brain and give me another movie with Peter Parker doing back flips for random New Yorkers.

This concept would have its place in a Sci-Fi novel or a standalone film, but as part of the Marvel canon I think I hate everything about it.

And this isn't MCU exclusive. I think I hate this scale of space shit in superhero media period. But with the MCU specifically, the events of this movie basically make the rest of the MCU worthless. I cannot reasonably care about anything else going on when the only thing everyone should be talking about is the dead celestial and the fact that Ash whatever is literally going to pass righteous judgement on the human race in an unknown amount of time. Celestials are too much. What do you mean Harry Styles and his CGI creature are here to set up more celestial malarkey. Shut up. This is like Prometheus with more quips. Erase this from my brain and give me another movie with Peter Parker doing back flips for random New Yorkers.