Just here to complain about how underpowered Tyranids feel.

So, I was complaining about Tyranids to the storefront operator of my local GW Warhammer store.

He said: "Tyranids are doing fine." (To be fair he does not play Tyranids and few people at the store do.)

Me, pulling out my models and showing him: "dude, what Strength profile do you think this weapon has?" Showing him the Exocrine Gun.

"Probably an 10 or 12?" "Nope. 8." "Dude, that's dumb for a gun that big. It's bigger than guns on guards tanks."

"Now, how about the toughness of these." I pull out a Haruspex and a Carnifex."

  • he guesses the Carnifex right at 9. But is surprised that the Haruspex is only an 11. Says it should at least be a 12 as huge and chonky as it is.

And I find I agree.

We have a single monster (other than the forge world Hierophant.) with toughness 12, the Tyranofex. Every other monster is 11.

I understand that 12 is a bit of a magic number in the game. Makes lascannons wound on 4's and not 3's. But jeeze I feel like we die so easily. When I started buying Tyranids I didn't care to win, I wanted to be the fun scary alien bad guy. But we die so easily even our opponents are like.... "Sorry dude."

I feel like points cuts alone will not make Tyranids fun.

What rules/stat changes do you want to see to r favorite units?