Ochem over summer?

hi! i'm a premed freshman with NPB major. i am currently planning on not taking a gap year before med school so i need to finish biochem, ochem, phys, gen chem and gen bio before summer after soph year(so that i can just focus on mcat studying that summer) for mcat(doing junior year). I was wondering if the ochem series is doable over summer session or if it's significantly harder? all the posts i saw on this were from ~7 years ago so i thought i would check now :(( i am also likely doing emt training course over summer so not sure if ochem along with it is the way to go. additionally, if not, what are ways to fit these courses in before mcat? are some of them not needed? not sure any other viable way to fit that many classes in two years 😭😭 .... have attached part of my current plan for next two years below
