UCL chem offer
I’m going to pick my firm and insurance next week and one of my choices is UCL chem, could someone give me some insight?
I hear a lot of bad things about the UCL chem department (obviously some good things also otherwise I wouldn’t have applied), does this hold up? How are the lecturers/labs? Why do you think there is such a low proportion of firsts and 2:1’s awarded for UCL Chemistry? I applied for both chem and chem w management bc my teacher said it would be helpful if I ever wanted to go into consulting but I’m not sure it feels like a dilution of the degree, what do you think? Do you know students who do this variation of the course? Does it differ greatly? how is student life for UCL/ chem students? how is the rapport between students at UCL and staff? this last question is probs gonna give you enemy war flashbacks but I’ve also applied to chemistry at KCL and received an offer - I hear their chemistry department is friendlier and they receive a higher proportion of 1st and 2:1’s, would you (against your moral pride as UCL student) reccomend I firm KCL? is there anything you think I need to know? Someone pls lmk bc I am actually losing my mind a little bit.