Parking ticket (RANT)
I'm honestly sick and tired of this school. I got an $80 parking ticket! If I don't have $6 for a parking permit what the heck makes them believe I have $80 to pay this ticket? Thanks to this school now I'm gonna have to ration the little of the ramen noodles I have just so I can afford to pay this ticket. We pay so much in tuition yet we still have to pay for parking permits like good little sheep? What is our tuition even doing for us? No free parking, no free meals, the library is not 24 hours anymore, we have to pay for all of course supplies including codes to do our own homework. I'm sick of it! We pay for the Sun God festival every year with our tuition and the school then has the audacity to cancel it because of the protest? Get out of town, oh but our chancellor got a nice fat check increase. I'm sure that was for the best of all students, NOT. And don't even get me started with the parking structures. Why is every parking space A & B spaces? They have S spaces away from the public like we are nothing. OH AND THE INTERNET CONNECTION!??? For a school that charges so much in tuition we should not have the most dog water connection known to man. Like what exactly are we paying thousands of dollars in tuition for? I don't know about you all but I'm sick of this school I can't wait to graduate. I apologize if this was not a reasonable crashout but I just had to let it out.
Thank you. And to all the students have a good day and no one else.