Bringing in some questions to the conversation

I’ve been following this drone situation since the beginning.  I have a few really basic questions that I am sure have been asked before.

  • Why are there endless videos that seem to stop abruptly? Where are these drones going to and where are they coming from?  No one has spotted at least one coming down or coming up out of the sky?

  • No one in the New Jersey area and the surrounding area do not have access to a fancy DSLR or telescopes that can see the lander on the moon? We have plenty of regular pedestrian footage. Since the end of November we are without anything but pedestrian video? What are some reasonable reasons? Are everyday hobbyists not launching their own drones to chase these things? Interfere with them? Kamikaze? How come someone hasn’t shot at one of these things yet?

  • You mean to tell me that all of the police and news helicopters haven’t filmed and captured better vies and glimpses of these things? They can track a getaway car for hours on high speed chases with lights and fancy enough cameras to broadcast on tv live in 4k. We can’t track the same size object (going much slower than a getaway car), while keeping in mind that there are hundreds of these things every night since the end of November. 


  • Shine a friggin spotlight on these things. Let’s see what they look like already.

⁃ Let’s forget the government and authorities (on the DL). Why aren’t we shinning lasers and flood lights and fireworks at these things? Let’s get their attention. Since the government and authorities aren’t giving us any answers to any questions we have had since Thanksgiving we should get these flying things our attention by any means we see fit. Let’s be nice though.