We don't want fairy tales: we want proof

The News Nation interview with the new whistleblower was embarasing. Not because of the quality of the witness (he seems fine to me). Not because the video wasn't intrigueing---it was, but it is also dubious. But because the interview was hyped as being world-shattering and it was not. And moreover, "psionics" without evidence!

1) The witness. I have no problems with Jake Barber---except his website. My thing is, I am so tired of seeing people's encounter stories taken as scientific fact. I believe that Jake Barber had the experiences he had. What I do not have any reason to believe is that these events were anything other than subjective. I also find it remarkable that he beleived that his spiritual experience was, again, other than subjective. Also, his website gives me the creeps, and this interview was clearly a promo for his new buisness venture.

2) The video. The egg video is interesting, but it isn't enough. Let's see if we can get News Nation to release the file out to us so we can dig into the metadata. I am not entirely convinced that the video is authentic, and if it were, I am sure that the metadata would be very intresting. To bad it isn't a close up of the thing. I wonder what it would take to fake that shot. And if it is real, that would have been enough for the entire special without getting into...

3) Psionics. I truly cannot belive that News Nation, a company which presumes to be authentic news, started spewing about a governmental "psionic assets" without proof of the program or proof of the alleged abilities. No agency names, no program history or structure, no demonstrations of that capability. At least when Snowden blew the whistle, he gave all the relevant information.

The message I get from the special is this: we should be scandalized that NHI and psionics exist because we have been told so.

Not because of groundbreaking, tangible evidence. But because of faith.

People will say "but what did you expect?" I expected to be lied to, and I was---I have a right to be mad.

This makes me feel like I should distrust Coultart and News Nation. At this point, I have no reason not observe that the most rational explanation for all this is that Grush, Elizondo, Gallaudet, and Nell and the rest are in fact performing some long-form psychological operation against us. And I dread to imagine how we are being weaponized.

And I think of the even worse charlatans predating on this community, which makes me feel so hopeless for me and for you---especially the experiencers desperate to be believed and to make meaning of their experiences.

This is not my divorce letter to r/UFOs, but I am seriously tired. And I feel like I can't keep coming here for hope when all we get are rumors and lies.

I'm not alone when I say this: We don't want more ghost stories. We don't want a new religion. We want to advance the field of science and the state of our society through the truth.

I don't want to believe; I want to know.

And I would love to be proven wrong, one way or another.