Aren’t we allowed to be critical whenever new information on UAPs is released?
To all those saying things like ‘what more do you want?’ in relation to the NewsNation interview this weekend, the answer is a whole lot more. Whether we are alone is the most important question in human history, it deserves high quality evidence. If the answers are so profound, we don’t need an hour long entertainment segment with commercial breaks to be the way that information is disseminated to the public. Give it to us straight. I’ve been interested in the topic ever since I can remember and now feels like the closest we have ever been to true transparency. Yet we are still getting drip fed the tiniest bits and pieces, further complicating the full picture, in what seems like soap opera style episodes. I just feel like surely whistleblowers shouldn’t have to appear on hokey news shows in order to be heard and get there stories out. Surely we are past the need for that type of media in the space no? There must be a more legitimate and topic appropriate method for releasing the truth.
I get it, it may be a tough and long process to get these whistleblowers to come out. But come on, surely not in the form of what we just witnessed over the weekend? I do hope more comes out of this, and I will always be optimistic when it comes to this topic. But it is becoming frustrating when it feels like we are so close to what we all want, and we are still reliant on these types of shows/docos to give us information. Am I asking for too much? Aren’t we allowed to be critical?