Mattress delivered to wrong address. Never received tracking info.
Ordered a Tempur Pedic ($$$$) mattress two weeks ago. Was told by the store clerk that I would be given tracking info once it shipped. Since it’s been a couple weeks with no update I called asking when it would be shipped out. Thought they were just slow over the holiday.
Well, Tempur Pedic said it was delivered a week ago. I was never given the tracking info. The customer service rep on the phone gave me the tracking info through UPS. It was delivered to the wrong apartment in my building. Proof of delivery shows which apartment it was delivered to. It is not there, so whoever picked up my package has an expensive mattress.
1) I cannot see the address in the tracking info, so I cannot tell whether the address given to UPS was wrong or whether the delivery driver misread it. Why does tracking info not show the destination?
2) Who is at fault here and what recourse do I have?