"The British, taking advantage of the physical conditions such as moderate slope, thick soil cover with high organic content, well distributed rainfall throughout the year and mild winters, introduced tea plantations in this region. As compared to the other sections of the Himalayas, these along with the Arunachal Himalayas are conspicuous by the absence of the Shiwalik formations. In place of the Shiwaliks here, the 'duar formations' are important, which have also been used for the development of tea gardens." Text from NCERT Class XI geo textbook. (Old)
Please guys help me with this doubt, If shiwaliks are absent in sikkim and arunachal pradesh. these lines drawn on the map (ncert) belongs to which range/ranges.
If shiwalik are absent in arunachal pradesh, then dafla, miri, abor and mishmi hills belong to which range/ranges?
Shiwalik are absent and instead duars are present, but duars are considered as a part of shiwalik. ?
"The British, taking advantage of the physical conditions such as moderate slope, thick soil cover with high organic content, well distributed rainfall throughout the year and mild winters, introduced tea plantations in this region. As compared to the other sections of the Himalayas, these along with the Arunachal Himalayas are conspicuous by the absence of the Shiwalik formations. In place of the Shiwaliks here, the 'duar formations' are important, which have also been used for the development of tea gardens." Text from NCERT Class XI geo textbook. (Old)
Please guys help me with this doubt, If shiwaliks are absent in sikkim and arunachal pradesh. these lines drawn on the map (ncert) belongs to which range/ranges.
If shiwalik are absent in arunachal pradesh, then dafla, miri, abor and mishmi hills belong to which range/ranges?
Shiwalik are absent and instead duars are present, but duars are considered as a part of shiwalik. ?