When will I receive notice that my case has been cancelled? (I-130)

I am requesting to cancel my I-130 petition because I found out that I can just file it in person at my local US Embassy (and that doing it this way is much quicker than filing it online). However it has been 1.5 months since I sent my service center a signed and notarized letter (used the address on the bottom left of the receipt notice) and uploaded the letter to the USCIS website on my account and I have not been contacted in any capacity about if it has been received, cancelled, or anything. I did some research that showed it can take up to one month to process and act on the cancellation. I just want to know what’s going on and why it is taking so long to cancel it… Maybe I am just impatient but I would’ve liked to hear from USCIS at least once by this point.

If anyone can share some insight on how I can check on this or what typical timelines are for cancellations that would help ease my mind.

LATE UPDATE: - So after I submitted my withdrawal request and it was received by the service center (Early July 2024) i ended up just calling USCIS technical support nearly every single day. (PRO TIP: If you want to talk to an actual person and not the AI assistant on a phone call, just say “technical support”. It took me awhile to figure this out. You will still need your receipt number, reference number, whatever info they need to confirm your identity)

-I was given lots of half answers and false promises but eventually I started to ask to speak to supervisors to see if they had any better information.

-Part of the issue of why it was taking so long for my withdrawal to be acknowledged was the actual ticketing system USCIS uses to take action on these requests. Since I called so much, there were issues with the help tickets I submitted where some would be closed as if the issue had been addressed. The issue was not addressed or fixed so my ticket would not be notifying any of the tier 2 officers (who handle most of the case decisions) of my situation, which was detailed in the closed tickets.

-Eventually the case was cancelled, there are a lot of details I am omitting to try and shorten this up a bit. I received notification of withdrawal by email on Nov 8 2024.

-If anyone coming back to this post has any questions just DM me, I’d be more than happy to answer questions if I can!!!