Marines obviously on roids?

At the gym there are some SWOLE dudes, i even saw a female Marine maxing 305lbs on bench before, she looked big but not crazy big. I suspect she was on juice too. I know we dont piss test for roids or psychedelics, so that makes me think so many military members juice. theres some sailors at the gym that are fucking GYOKED like the hulk, and have you seen those jacked active duty Marine influencers? it's ridiculous that people believe they are natural.

In your personal opinion, do you think the armed forces should be allowed to take roids at their own risk? why or why not? I think the only downside besides their health would be that they cant run as fast when theyre so heavy and mess up their run times. Also, what age should the drinking age for military be? i say 19 or 20. If marines can drink in japan at 20, then fly to the mainland the next day and get busted down for drinking at 20... what sense does that make?