For the Proles that struggle at reading

You’re not alone. Don’t let the labor aristocracy put you down because their skull ridges boost their intelligence. Remember it is genetic. The mods are secretly Lysenkites that might try to fool you into thinking that you can better yourself but history has shown us that authentic revolutionaries sprout not from the book nerds and (((elitists))) but from the most backwards skull shapes. Don’t bother picking up the books, because you’ll never be like them. If we could all win mister Olympia then we would all be him. But we are not him. Plus why would you even want that for yourself. All forms of education lead to opportunism anyways. It’s all just so that they can sell us to the globalists at cheaper rates and they want us to waste our time learning when we could be focusing all of our time on auramaxxing. These nerds genuinely believe that your choices in life are the reason why socialism hasn’t been achieved. But remember that Marx said that the proletariat as a whole are the only genuinely universal class. Obesity, illiteracy, and irregular skull shapes are universal qualities that every proletariat shares and (((they))) fear that we will notice. Don’t forget we outnumber them!!

P.S. They also don’t read and even if they do they can’t understand it.