ULPT Request: Super religious roommate prays loudly multiple hours each day in common areas
I come home late from work at like 9:30pm, he’s speaking in tongues and humming. I come downstairs like 3 hours later to get a snack, still downstairs doing the same thing.
It wouldn’t bother me as much because I usually chill in my room but I can hear it from my room all the damn time.
Any suggestions
UPDATE: I talked to him and brought up my concerns, he was very understanding and said he didn’t realize it was making him uncomfortable and that he would minimize how long he did it for and to speak softly in the common areas as not to disturb me.
I also told him that the Bible studies he does on FaceTime with members of his church was not an issue and that it was only the speaking in tongues that disturbed me.
Thank you all for the reasonable advice and help :)