I said I was done

Yet, here I am again. I’m tired of this. I keep praying God removes you from my mind and heart. The answer I get is that I have to give you up. I don’t know how to do that. All of my exes have come back and I’m pretty sure you will too. It might be too late by then so please do something soon. Why can’t we grow together? Why can’t we learn to love each other? Yes, we’re a mess but I think we can make it if there really is love between us. I need you to also put in the work because you didn’t care about my needs. I saw you make attempts but why couldn’t you just listen when I told you specifically what I needed. The real reason I left was because of the disrespect. You would change for a little then go back to not treating me well. I never asked you for much. I wanted to go see the city lights, explore and have adventures with you. I wanted to face your past by your side. I wanted to know more about you and help you but you barely opened up. When you had a hard day, why couldn’t you tell me what was going on in your life. I wanted to be there for you and keep you in prayer. T, I really did care and I still do. I miss you and can’t get rid of your memory. I’m sick of this. I’m sick of you being on my mind all the time. I just want to hug you for a while because if we reunite, you’re going to see a different side of me that will fight for our love. You need to do the same though. I’m not going to be with someone that doesn’t value me. Man up because I need a strong leader by my side. I know my worth and I see yours too. Everyone tells me to let you go but I don’t care. You’re still the man I want. We both have to grow so let’s do it together rather than apart.

P.S. You’re right. Dogs are better lol