Why are Utah dog owners often hostile when asked to leash their dog?
Keyword: Often. I’m in Salt Lake, have been since 2016. More often than not, when I alert someone in public parks with an off leash dog that my dog is not friendly, and ask them with kindness and respectful tone to keep their dog away for safety, it ends in an argument. Granted, I don’t usually ask on trails as I expect off leash dogs on hikes, I also hike my dog off leash since she’s trained for that and we’ve worked hard to make it safe for her to do so. But at public parks and on neighborhood sidewalks, there are leash laws. I only advocate for my dog when the strange off leash dog is like… out of control. If a dog is keeping with their owner, or playing fetch or otherwise not posing a problem to others, I don’t care. But what I don’t understand is why when asked, Utahs can just be plain NASTY and so upset when asked to simply control their dog in public. I’ve been insulted and even threatened more times than I can count at this point. And I’m not out looking for trouble or a fight, I just want to keep my dog safe and OTHER dogs safe from being bit for getting in my dog’s space. If you are that Utahn dog owner, I’d love to know why you feel this way? And yes, I do call Animal Control sometimes. That isn’t my point. I’m not looking for a solution and I don’t expect it to stop, I just want to know what is going on in these people’s heads so I can better approach them when I need to advocate for my dog.