cheapest vacuum rec for long hair carpet?

i’m a dirt poor student and made the mistake of getting this gorgeous white thick carpet, but i’ve waited too long to get a vacuum and now it’s all gross, plus i have a really long haired cat. i don’t know anything about vacuums and i’m having a really hard time choosing one. can anyone recommend one that’s really good for carpets? preferably well under 250$ but i’m not sure about how much i should invest so im willing to be flexible. attached a current photo of my carpet. it used to be white lol.

i’m a dirt poor student and made the mistake of getting this gorgeous white thick carpet, but i’ve waited too long to get a vacuum and now it’s all gross, plus i have a really long haired cat. i don’t know anything about vacuums and i’m having a really hard time choosing one. can anyone recommend one that’s really good for carpets? preferably well under 250$ but i’m not sure about how much i should invest so im willing to be flexible. attached a current photo of my carpet. it used to be white lol.