So depressed tbh about the online vape ban for California on Jan 1st. What to do ?

So vapes have already been banned at stores in California. Although places still sell them it’s just hard to find at all stores. Probably will be even harder now. So I’ve been going online for the last year. And now they’re banning that. I just ordered 4 bales online from one of my sites and the site said they’re shutting down on 1/1 so it was the last time I could buy them.

How are you Californians getting around this vape ban? Is there any possible way to continue vaping despite this ban? I believe it includes ALL flavored vape products even juices. Only tobacco and unflavored will be allowed. I’m not saying go an illegal root per se but wondering if there’s any possible way vaping can still exist. I don’t know anyone out of state nor do I go out of state.

I’ve been clean and sober for 7 months now from drug addiction. And so vaping has kind of been helping me stay clean. I do plan on stopping down the road but it’s kind of helped me maintain a little sanity in sobriety not gonna lie.